Den Domains is the future of Domain marketplace and trading. The unique loyalty program is an attempt to benefit the loyal users and put them ahead in the Den Domains marketplace. Den Domains uses blockchain to establish trust between the buyer and seller, and makes it easier for premium domain owners to quickly find customers. In today’s digital age, premium domains are an important asset for an organisation or an individual. Den Domains introduces unique domain token offering (DTO), where premium domains can be tokenized and traded among the users.
Blockchain Powered Solution
Den Domains uses open source blockchain known as BigchainDB, which is a proven blockchain for business. All the activities like Domain buying/selling and transfer will be logged on blockchain, as it increases security and transparency.
Their Exclusive Services:
Token Rewards
Register a domain with them and get instant rewards in DDN tokens equal to the worth of domain registered. Hence, you get a free domain!
Domain MarketPlace
They have build a rich domain marketplace consisting of domains focussed on businesses. You can list your domains for selling and buy from their marketplace.
Domain Token Offering
This is a unique service and they are the first one to offer it. You can list your domains, which will be tokenized and traded in our DTO exchange.
Broker Service
You can hire our Domain experts and brokers who will help you make a profitable deal.
Domain Auction
You can participate in domain auctions for bids or list your domain if you are a domain owner.
Domain Buy/Sell
You can buy or sell domains on our marketplace instantly. Since, our platform is backed by blockchain, any buy/sell can be verified later on our blockchain.
Den Domains is perfect for…
- Companies and startups searching for their ideal web address
- Building an online presence for new products
- Domain acquisition for brand protection
- Investing in valuable domain names
- Concise internet domains for marketing and specific campaigns
- Buying tokens of premium domains and earning money on appreciation.
- Earning Token rewards by registering new domains.
- Turning unused web addresses into money
- Using a Broker to market premium domains
- Earning money with Domain Parking
- Professional trading of internet domains
- Utilising blockchain for tracking domain transactions and keeping them secure.
- Smooth buying and selling of domains.
- Utilising brokerage service which is free of cost.