It’s here! Commencing at 8pm UTC, 31st October 2021.
Important details
Staking Site:
Reward pool: 2,500,000 SIN
Duration: 90 day lock (you will not be able to unlock your tokens during this time)
APY: You can earn up to 125% APY, based on the proportion of the pool you have staked in and the length of time.
Minimum / Maximum Stake: No limits!
Land whitelist opportunity: If you stake 5,000 SIN you will be guaranteed One single plot in the early access land sale.
Up to a maximum allowance of Ten plots, if you stake 50,000 SIN (e.g. in 5,000 SIN multiples).
Price of land: This is to be determined. They anticipate it will be at a Market Rate value for an initial land sale.
In addition, please do have in mind there is a total staking pool allowance for all users (e.g. 9m tokens in total). They do not expect this to be fully utilised given the tokens in circulation. If this does happen, they will release an announcement on this.
Therefore, they encourage users to stake as soon as possible, to circumvent missing out in the unlikely event and also being able to accrue the full 90 day reward.
Staking Process
Firstly, the staking process works only with Metamask Broswer (both Mobile & Web Browser). To download Metamask, see below:
MetaMask Download
A crypto wallet & gateway to blockchain apps
- The support team can only offer support for Metamask queries. On an Android phone, you may be able to connect your Trust wallet to the staking dApp. However, the team cannot support with any queries on here. They recommend only to use Metamask wallet to Stake.
Step 1:
Connect your wallet to
Step (2)
Ensure the correct wallet is connected (that has SIN tokens), and it will show this balance as below.
Now, enter the amount you want to stake, and press the ‘Stake’ button.
N.B. You will also need a small amount of BNB in your wallet as ‘gas’ to ensure the transaction can be processed on the Blockchain.
Step (3)
Metamask will trigger (please be patient). Then select ‘APPROVE’.
Step (4)
Wait patiently on this page, and the transaciton will approve. Then, another Metamask pop-up will appear to “CONFIRM”
Step (5)
After you have press confirmed, please wait for Metamask to confirm the transaction. Following this, everything should be complete! Your screen will look like the below:
Proof your stake has been successful
For any questions at all, please do reach out to the team! They will be on standby to help!